1798:Italian physicist Alessandro Volta makes the first battery. His “voltaic pile” –as it comes to be known- consists of stacks of zinc, acid-moistened cardboard and copper. (see above)

 1836 is when the English chemist John F. Daniell improved Volta’s battery which helped to prevent the
corrosion that normally occurred with Volta’s batteries. (see above)

 1859 is when Gaston Plante(the French physicist) invented the lead-acid battery used in cars still amasingly to this day. (see above)

 1868 is when the French chemist Georges Leclanche creates the first “wet cell” battery. (see above)

 1888 is when the German scientist Dr. Carl Gassner invents the “dry cell.” His battery is quite similar to the zinc batteries we use today (see above).


 1896 is when the American dry cell manufacturer, Columbia headed by a good man named Washington Herbert Lawrence makes the first commercially available battery(see above).

 1898 is when Conrad Hubert(the Russian inventor) creates the first flashlight which he calls the “electric hand torch.”

1932 is when Thomas Alva Edison(the Amarecan inventor and businessman) improves the car battery.

 1956 is when the Eveready Battery Company headed by a good man named Washington Herbert Lawrence develops the 9-volt battery.

 1959 is when the Eveready Battery Company develops a commercially available alkaline battery(the average battery you use almost every day) which you will find in almost every houshold and business (see above).

 1960 is when the tiny silver-oxide batteries or “button batteries”,as they were called, are developed(the ones you put in hearing aids and watches see above).

 1992 is when the first lithium batteries(invented by Gilbert Newton Lewis) are commercially available. These are THE MOST POWERFUL AA-size batteries on the market (see above).

 2000 is when the innovations in rechargeable technology introduce products such as Nickel-Metal hydride rechargeable batteries, titanium high-performance batteries, and 15-minute rechargeable batteries (see above).

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